Java vs python

Java vs Python: Which One is Best for Your Future?

We understand how tough it is to choose a programming language to learn. Java and Python are becoming more popular by the day. As a result, students frequently inquire about which language is best to learn first. They used to search for Java vs Python, which is better for the future. We’ll go over some fundamental java and Python facts in this article. Possibly this comparison will assist you in determining which language you should learn first.

As we all know, learning both languages with dedication leads to a brighter future. Stay with us to learn everything you need to know in the article java versus python programming language. As we know both languages give you a better future if you learn them with dedication.

Java Vs Python: Google Trends 

Python vs Java Popularity

Java vs Python: History

Before we start our Java vs Python: Which one is better? ‘Summary, let us take a look at the origins of these two languages.


The Java programming language was started in June 1991 by James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton. It was originally called Project Oak, but it was later renamed ‘Project Green’ and then finally ‘Java’.


Python was created in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum as a replacement for the ABC language. It was named after the famous British comedy group ‘ Monte Python ‘. It was developed to interact with the Amoeba operating system.

Python vs Java Performance Comparison

Basis Java Programming languagePython programming language
DefinitionJava is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language, mostly used to develop a wide range of applications from mobile to enterprise apps.Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language mostly used for web development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and other data science applications.
Open Source StatusJava is free and (mostly) open-source except for corporate use.Python is free and open-source for all use cases.
Platform DependenciesJava is platform-independent (although JVM is not) according to its WORA (“Write once, run anywhere “) Philosophy.Python is platform-dependent
Compiled or interpretedJava is a compiled language. Java programs are translated into byte code at a compiled time and not runtime.Python is an interpreted language. Python programs are translated at runtime.
File creationJava: After compilation, <file name> .class is generated.Python: During runtime, <filename>.pyc is created.
Errors TypeJava has 2 types of errors: compilation and runtime errors.Python has 1 error type: Traceback (or Runtime) error.
Statistically or dynamically typedJava statically typed. When starting variables, their types need to be specified in the program because the type is checked at compile time.Python is dynamically typed. Variables do not need to be typed when started because type checking is done at runtime.
SyntaxJava: Semicolon to each statement (;) need to end with, and blocks of code are separated by a curly brace ({}).Python: Blocks of code are separated by indentation (the user can choose how many white spaces to use, but it must correspond to the entire block).
Python class vs Java classOnly one public top-level class can exist in a file in Java.Any number of classes can exist in a single file in Python.
More or less code?Java usually involves writing more lines of code than Python.Python involves writing fewer lines of code than Java.
Multiple inheritancesJava does not support multiple inheritances (inheriting from two or more base classes)Python supports multiple inheritances, although this rarely applies due to various issues such as inheritance complexity, hierarchy, dependency issues, etc.
Multi-threadingJava multi-threading can support two or more concurrent threads that run at the same time.Python uses a global interpreter lock (GIL), allowing only one thread (CPU core) to run at a time.
Speed of executionJava is usually faster in execution time than Python.Python is often slower in execution time than Java.
Java Versus Python

Stackoverflow Survey 2021: C vs Python

Opportunities emerge from time to time, and we may choose to change occupations or learn new languages. As a result, many developers wish to shift employment or switch programming languages from C to Python or Python to C, according to the stack flow study. You can see an example of this in the image below. I found it strange that no professional programmers who are already working in the Python programming language want to switch to the Java programming language.

Some Important Java vs Python Comparison Factors 

Below are some comparative criteria for Java and Python. The differences and similarities between the Java and Python programming languages make it difficult to select. The most often asked question among programmers is whether Python is superior to Java. So let’s get started with the comparison and see who comes out on top in Java versus Python. The following are the factors that were utilized to compare Java with Python.


Python language is an interpreted programming language; also, it determines the type of data which makes it slower reasonably. Java language is faster than Python because it is a compiled programming language in terms of speed. It takes a smaller amount of time to execute source code.


Because of Java’s history in the enterprise and its rather lengthy coding approach, the legacy systems of the Java language are typically more extensive and more numerous than those of the Python language. Python has fewer legacy difficulties, so businesses have trouble with the script’s ability to paste and copy codes. It also allows it to operate many other programming languages remotely.


Python Vs Java Difficulty: Java is wordy as associated with the Python language programming language. It receipts ten lines of source code to recite from an organizer in Java. It just takes two lines of source code in Python language. This makes Python language a more desirable language.

Practical agility

Java likes more unswerving refactoring provision than python language thanks to its fixed type organization and IDE’s universality in expansion. It is more general for web and mobile applications. Python is measured to be the most promising language for AI, Machine Learning, IoT also a lot more.


Though not as trendy as it was, Java is quite the most popular language to virtually any extent. On the other hand, python’s growth has been astral, mainly in high-income and developed countries. The motives for this remarkable growth comprise developer productivity, flexibility, programming library, and community provision.


As we all know, Java was more popular than Python a few years ago, but that has changed as Python has entered the field. When students think about Java vs Python developer’s salary now, programmers are doubting if Python language will substitute Java in the current times. Once they compare the growth of both languages, they found that Python has a slight edge over java language because of its increased request in the current times.

Today, the jobs are frequently associated with artificial intelligence and automation, which Choose Python language over Java; thus, they can get the change in the graph. While if they seem at the growth in case of knowledgeable causes, Java controls over time. 

Java vs Python: Conclusion

Thus, here is the summary of the python vs java comparison. Java was a step onward from the earlier composite language Python. Also, many individuals rightly select java over Python. Python is a more significant step in this direction. It is a human-friendly programing language for stating ideas in a form that can turn into authenticity also that a machine can understand. Also, with all that data and information, Java inventors should provide a try to absorb Python. It’s a countless scripting programming language for powering repetitive events and tasks.

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is it better to learn Python or Java first?

It all depends on your interests; however, if you want a response from me, I recommend starting with Python because its syntax is more straightforward or Simpler than Java’s.

Is Java enough to get a job?

Java is one of the top five professional languages, according to the Stackoverflow 2019 research, ahead of JavaScript, HTML/CSS, SQL, and Python. This shows that firms are actively incorporating it into their initiatives and that this industry has a suitable number of job openings.

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